Your Printer is SPY-ing on you – Really. Did you know that your printer could be secretly tracking your every move? It's a reality that’s been in…
Coats in Hong Kong Winter Hong Kong winters might not seem severe by some standards, but the chill can still bite — especially with the city’s humid…
My Hopes for This Blog When I first set out to start this blog, I had a lot of thoughts running through my head. What did I want it to be? What…
Which Thinker Are You? Exploring the Big Questions of Reality Ever caught yourself pondering whether God is a thing or if everything that can be known…
Origins of the Balsley Surname in Switzerland The Balsley surname is of Swiss-German origin. In fact, genealogical sources note that Balsley is an…
Chinese Meals I Ate on This Trip Traveling through different parts of China, I tried some dishes that were both exciting and, for a newcomer…
The Speed of Light, Electricity, and the Electron We often hear that light travels at (3 \times 10^8) meters per second—that’s about seven laps around…
We Need TouchLM and SmellLM: Expanding AI Beyond Sight and Sound Artificial Intelligence has come a long way. We’ve got Large Language Models (LLMs…
A Person Is Good—It Takes People to Be Bad I often reflect on how an individual, on their own, can be wonderfully kind, generous, and empathetic. Yet…
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The Role of Red Pockets: Amazing and Confusing If you’ve ever been in a place where red pockets (or “hongbao”) are exchanged, you know there’s…
In order to create, artistic people often need to be sequestered or be alone. Isolation is key. You may have to be a little alone to be free. So Be…
Fully autonomous cars that deal with all aspects of driving are called level 5 (L5 cars for short in the is blog). The logic of basic self driving is…
Chinese Food Customs Eating in China is about more than just the food—it’s a cultural experience packed with traditions that might surprise newcomers…
title: "Look Through the Other’s Eyes" date: "2025-01-23" slug: "look-through-the-others-eyes" categories: ["thinking", "philosophy", "psychology…
You have To be more than half of every relation you want to keep active. Why? We humans do a poor job of understanding the other person and of the…
What is a Vowel? We often say “A, E, I, O, U,” but what makes a vowel a vowel? It’s more than just the shape of the mouth or a simple list of letters…
There’s little in life where two people are brought together in such a unique, singular way to create something random, collaborative, and beautiful…
Star Trek TNG is about the world of 2370's or about 350 years in the future. An interesting mind experiment would be to Compare this world you and I…
The Parking Lot Problem Parking lots. We’ve all used them, but how often do we stop and consider the true cost of a parking space? For most of us…
Facebook: Do You Know What You Give? We all know Facebook as a place to connect with friends, share photos, and catch up on the latest news. But have…
2) The disconnected offer. 3) The torsion and disassociation. 4) The roles and movements of circles. radius, turns, movements and layers.
Hong Kong Does Escalators Right There’s an unspoken efficiency in Hong Kong: stand on the right, walk on the left. Whether you’re in a busy MTR…
Things We Don’t Know: The Matter-Antimatter Mystery According to our best theories, the universe should have equal amounts of matter and antimatter…
Parking Lots of the Near Future Imagine a world where your car doesn’t sit idle for hours in a crowded parking lot. Instead, it drops you off at the…
That time: Kennedy tried to stop the moon shot. We all know Kennedy wanted to race against Russia and land a man on the moon. But what you might not…
Different Table Manners Around the World Table etiquette doesn’t just tell us how to eat—it reflects deeper cultural values about sharing food and…
Anti-Matter Actually Falls Down We (well not me, again) recently created antimatter hydrogen, consisting of a positron (the “positive” electron…
Don't Apologize for 'Long Thought' In a world that values speed and brevity, there’s often pressure to rush through our thoughts and conversations…
As I continue this journey of writing and sharing, I contiue to be inspired by new ideas and perspectives. Here’s a collection of blog titles—some…
What could Cities like New York or Boston be without cars? Maybe a new lower rent/o
The Speed of Light Is SO Slow We often marvel at how light travels at (3 \times 10^8) meters per second, zipping around Earth seven times in a single…
The alarm goes off when the sound of the clock wakes you and when it is sounding its alarm, you also turn it off to stop the sounds. At night you…
We have been told we have 5 senses. Sight, sound, scent, Touch, Taste. Some work Together : scent and taste give flavors. Tough and sight is balance.
What's the prettiest interval? And the worst? Augmented 4th
We often talk about the glories of autonomy's cars- and that they will eventually take over all local travel and delivery. There is some evidence that…
Lets assume that : We will get to a level 5 autonomous car or an "L5 car". This is a car that automatically deals with all conditions and manages all…
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