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Can a regular driver ABUSE an fully autonomous car?

November 16, 2019

Lets assume that :

  1. We will get to a level 5 autonomous car or an "L5 car". This is a car that automatically deals with all conditions and manages all aspects of driving. No steering wheel is needed.

  2. that the L5 car will be mixed with regular level 0 and 1 (today's) on a out roads.

Let's say you have your current regular car today and you can visually identify some other cars as a L5 car (maybe all 202x Tesla's are L5). How does your driving change because of this knowledge? Can you drive knowing that the autonomous car will avoid you at nearly all cost? As an comparative example, do you drive differently if the car next to you is and elderly person hunched over the steering wheel of an old Sedan? What about if a testosterone prone male in a expensive sports car? You likely gently go around the first giving a large berth knowing they may now be aware of you, while pulling behind the second to take advantage of the open space that will be made.

Now, what If I'm a bit evil, What happens if you drive 50 MHP over the speed limit behind a L5 car? Will it quickly move over to avoid a rear end? Will it save the driver? Or allow the reckless driver to crash? Or will it move over and possible endanger another car?

Today, no cars can read signs, inter communicate, or understand the cars blinkers. Eventually Will it understand the "flash my headlights" signal?

Will it understand my "gaze"

Will it understand old drivers?

Will it understand children are more prevalent in school districts m-f morning and afternoon?

Autonomous driving is easy.

Autonomous driving with driving humans is impossible.

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