YbotMan Blog

The Upcoming horrors of autonomous cars

October 21, 2019

We often talk about the glories of autonomy's cars- and that they will eventually take over all local travel and delivery. There is some evidence that this could eventually happen. The dark side of this possible truth is not often talked about. Filling is a list of topics that seem not being Publicly discussed.

This is slot of topics I thought deserved flushing out. Each of these subject will become a entry in themselves.

Can regular car push an autodrive car around? Will eventually these cars push back?

When AI becomes more prevalent in the choices to make.

Can Pedestrians abuse auto cars.

Without lidar, can will we autoDrive in blinding snow or fog?

The problems of city vs backroads va highways.

Today AI can't deal with poorly marked roads and non official signs that guide you what to do.

Parking spots. Paying for parking.

Dealing with Ambulance and police.

The role of the stoplight.

Getting pulled over? Will a aSearched?

Travel annonimity, a junker phone for cars? Owning the facts of travel?

Understanding cars Blinkers and aggressiveness.

Choices a car makes to make you safe. Can it deal with choice to let others be safe? This is a variant of The trolley problem.

  • the better AI is safer for me but what about a pedestrian? The iRobot child problem (Save the child not the old adult).

The limits of Passive vs active data. Will us allow an active? Will it be the car job or your phones?

What happens when level 5 and an accident? Who pays? Today we hold Boeing culpable for design problems.

FAA and autonomous cars.

State vs federal guidelines.

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