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Star Trek vs Star Wars

July 27, 2019

Yes another Star Wars vs Star Trek opinion

On Science : StarTrek wins hands down. Star Wars doesn't even seem to try. Did the Wars even have a science consultant?  Vibration of space explosions? Dodging those Blasters? The Kessel Run in 12 Parsecs? Look, I'm ok with accepting a given world as the rules the director dictate to me, but the Hyperspace ramming scene that . . . Please stop.

On Comedy : Both have their flavors of comedy. Some success and some failures.

Early Star Wars may have had a solid intelligent balance of its humor, but then the second set of movies brought us JarJar, Wattoo, and the PodRace Commentors - ugh. Then, of course the newest StarWars under Disney (re: Last Jedi, etc) have gone off the rail (Luke : Throwing a lightsaber, Green teet-Milk, horrible comic timing). Sometimes, the new comedy even seems to break the 4th wall - or at least makes me laugh 'at the movie' rather than the story and event. Steady and progressive and now predictable downhill path.

Star Trek has had its comedic ups and downs as well, however its has solidly kept an attempt at historical humor relevance, and therefore Star Trek wins

On Characters:

On Drama:

On Story Telling: Well, Star Wars is at its heart, more of a story device. The overarching good vs evil, and evolution of balance, and the forces there-in. Star Trek is more episodic - even in movie form. Each star Track move can produce new conceptual villains, and untied stories. While there are deep stories in Star Trek, Yup - Star Wars Wins

On Social Impact:

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