YbotMan Blog

The human voice -

November 22, 2019

Ever since my Dad took me to a barbershop chorus rehearsal in 1975, i have adored the human voice. It was clear that thEse men were getting together ONLY because of the human voice. The sang together is corners and in hallways - wether they liked each other or not. It amazed me How vocal singing together brought so much joy to all forms a man captivated my mid at the age of 14. I did not see the parallel for trombone players or piano (both of which I played). Indeed, the voice and A-cappella has been a large part of my life and influenced how I see the world.

In college I spend a year with vocal anatomy and phonetics. I leanered how many sounds the human voice a pan make and how much we knew (and didnt) about how the human voice works. Later in life I studied what a voice is and the physics of sound.

Indeed the voice and sarcasm and how this translate to vocal inflections. I have thought about why other languages are hard to hear (even what a word is), but how a laugh of any age translates across all cultures.

Early in life, my music teachers (orchestra, band, and choir) were continual mentor in more ways that music.

The human voice is amazing - mostly because our human brains are so uniquely designed together, but it never ceases to confound my brain the subtleties of inflection

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