What if the world of StarTrek actually can true?
July 27, 2019
‘We’ve overcome hunger and greed, and we’re no longer interested in the accumulation of things.'”
Captain Jean Luc Picard of the Starship Enterprise.
Star Trek TNG is about the world of 2370's or about 350 years in the future. An interesting mind experiment would be to Compare this world you and I are in to a world 350 year ago or 1670. What was this world like ? What is the trajectory or technology changes form there to now? Can we extrapolate to the future?
Newton writing In Principia, Peter the great becomes a russian czar, Pre-USA colonies are stable, and the world starts to accept the Sun as the Center of the universe.
- Transporters
- Warp Drive
- Intra-Solar System travel.
- Other 'local' Solar System Travel.
- Intra Galaxy
- Extra galaxy Travel
- Pervasive AI
- HoloDecks
- Mental Health
- Money
- Stun / Kill / Annihilate / weaponry
What really makes sense in the Star Trek universe and Star Trek society is to compete for reputation, What is not abundant in Star Trek’s universe is the captain’s chair.
Manu Saadia author Trekonomics,